Sunday, August 30, 2015



Sherry Turkle: Connect, but Alone?: TED Talk
Technology has changed society's expectations of mass media and culture by giving them new ways of communicating. People are always communicating. People expect adequate communication, especially with so much technology. "In today’s technology driven world, people expect to have the means to communicate with others at any given moment" (Sandra, 2013). 
Technology has caused society to expect less from each other. We no longer have to talk about important issues face-to-face, instead we send e-mails, texts, and etc. If it is face-to-face it's through a computer screen. Sherry Turkle's TED Talk, Connected, but Alone? explains how we are all connected (technology), yet we are still alone. We favor interaction via technology over real, person-to-person interaction.

Does Technology Impact Culture? (2013, January 29). Retrieved August 30, 2015, from  

Out With the Old, In With the New

Out with the Old, In with the New

TED Talk: How Culture and Technology Create One Another: Ramesh Srinivasan at TEDxUCLA

Photo Courtesy of: SlideShare

Technology has changed society's expectations of culture by allowing technology determine someone's status in society. If someone don't have the new and latest technology they could be considered poor. People tend to think that because they have the best technology out there that they may be better than the next person. 
I've seen people talk bad about other people because they couldn't afford to get the latest technology, such as when the iPhone 6 came out. Technology is a culture, and if people want to be IN that culture they have to stay on top of the latest technology. 
I believe that if technology wasn't so big and important it wouldn't have such a major impact on society's expectations of culture. 

Photo Courtesy of: Gifs

Technology Has Society Spoiled Rotten

Technology Has Society Spoiled Rotten

Photo Courtesy of: Hannah K. Lee, The New Yorker

Technology has society very spoiled. Technology has caused people to somewhat lose patience when it comes to the media. People want it now, not later. People expect certain things from the media. With technology, they expect for the media to post their updates in a timely fashion. Technology has given people some type of power over the media. Now the media is in competition with society to be the first to post stories.  
"Technology wants what life wants: Increasing efficiency; Increasing opportunity; Increasing emergence; Increasing complexity; Increasing diversity; Increasing specialization; Increasing ubiquity; Increasing freedom; Increasing mutualism; Increasing beauty; Increasing sentience; Increasing structure; Increasing evolvability" (Wu, 2014). 
People such as Jayson Blair, a former writer for the New York Times, didn't uphold the journalistic code of ethics to publish stories that would entice or move his intended audience. He cared that much about getting out a good story that people would enjoy and have an emotional attachment to that he lied and deceived the very people he was trying reach. He used technology to cover his tracks and his location when he was "supposedly" covering stories. He went about his work in all the wrong ways!

Wu, T. (2014, February 6). As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse? Retrieved August 30, 2015, from